Pammy Sue – She’s dedicated to her profession and prepared for anything as long as she has packed her lipliner. Capable, optimist in the clutch.

Minerva – She’s seen a lot of life in her 22 years: an M.D. with multiple marriages behind her, she is worried that she might have to settle for passenger 34F and spend her days eating dirt. Full of surprises and skills, she’s the one who’s going to save your ass when it all goes to shit.

Passenger 34F – Doesn’t play well with others. Hoards candy bars and enjoys the discomfort of others.

Richard – The dreamy boyfriend of Pammy Sue. In love with Pammy Sue but mostly in love with himself.

Passenger 12D – Somebody’s forgotten relative. She shakes a lot.

Passenger 17D – A widow from the bible belt, she’s missing her 12 step classes badly.

Passenger 3A – A college student on permanent break.

Passenger 3A – A college student on permanent nervous breakdown.

Passenger 14B – Doesn’t say much until he starts to lose his mind.

Passenger 22A – Doesn’t say much until she starts to lose her mind.